I will be teaching a gesture for each sound in French, which helps develop "phonemic awareness" in young learners. This week we learned the gesture for "ah" and we practiced identifying this sound through use of the gesture in our song "J'adore les tomates" and in a short rhyme with many "ah" sounds. The students read the rhyme several times and completed related exercises asking them to circle "ah" sounds, replace missing words, and re-arrange scrambled lines. We focused on learning a few short sight words: ma, ta, sa, ça, va, a and la.
In Daily 5, we extended our silent "read to self" time to 8 minutes successfully. I had the chance to read individually with each student this week and assess their reading level.
In math, we read a fun story about 8 kids having a sleepover party on a bunk bed, which raises the question of how many ways can 8 kids split into 2 groups, in the top and bottom bunks. I introduced the kids to the "rekenrek" which resembles an abacus but is specifically intended for young kids to help them develop number sense. It has 2 rows of beads, with 5 red and 5 white on top and 5 red and 5 white on the bottom. The structure of the rekenrek encourages kids to use 5 and 10 as benchmarks. I asked the students to find all the ways they could that 8 kids could split into the top and bottom bunks. The rekenrek rows represented the bunks of the bed, and they drew the groupings onto a sheet with a similar image. They were also asked to write a math sentence for each arrangement, such as 5+3=8. Later, the students were asked to complete the same challenge with a number of their choice, to allow for different entry points. Then we played a game in partners where the students represented an arrangement+math sentence and then moved one person up or down the bunk bed ladder and gave the resulting arrangement+math sentence. We continued to sing and play games to review the number names in French. I also introduced to them the "Collection to 100" project which I expect everyone learned about from the green note I sent home on Friday.

So a full week! A couple of housekeeping items: Mme Aradj, who teaches gym to the kids, has asked that they always wear closed running shoes on gym days. Also, at lunchtime there are some items available for purchase from the Milk Program. Milk (2% or chocolate) costs 75 cents, yogourt costs 90 cents and milk-to-go costs $1.25. A cookie is usually provided with each purchase.
And finally, I want to inform you that teachers are stepping up our work-to-rule protocol in response to the latest breakdown in negotiations. The next phase begins Monday September 21 and one of the activities now struck is the updating of classroom blogs and the dissemination of classroom newsletters. Keeping parents well informed is very important to me, but evidently more pressure is necessary at this point for contract negotiations to move forward. So this will be my last post for now. Hopefully the situation will be resolved soon!
Merci beaucoup Mme Hamilton! We are hoping for a swift and successful resolution to the contract talks!