Sunday, 6 November 2016

October 31 - November 4, 2016

Halloween was a lot of fun - I regret I didn't take a moment to take pictures of the kids in their costumes! We finished reading the Scaredy Squirrel book, and then looked more closely at the pages where he lays out 6 different categories of candies.

We talked about the different categories, and I wondered which was their favourite. Then I introduced the word "sondage," which means survey in French. I did a survey, while the kids watched, and found out each of their favourite type of candy.

The next day we came up with a number of interesting survey questions, and six possible answers for each question. These were written on the board. Then each kid chose the question they wanted to ask the class, and created their own survey. Once the question and answers were copied down, they went and asked every other student their question (in French!) and recorded the answers on their survey using tally marks.

Then I showed them how to translate their survey data into a simple bar graph. 

We also celebrated the 40th day at school, again counting and grouping our collections.

We began a new Word Work activity, using plasticine to form the sight words we are learning. These words have the sounds "a" and "e" and "é/è" in them. 

We did another activity as a class where we sorted these words into the 3 categories of vowel sound. We talked about how to find the words on our word wall, and when we might use the word wall. 

We went back to work on our Life Timelines, finishing the drawings and sentences depicting important life events. I showed the kids how to add their ages to a strip of paper, and then add the pictures onto the strip in the correct spot. 

I posted these up on the hallway bulletin board. The kids began presenting their timelines to the class. 

One student commented on the word "ligne" (line) and asked why we didn't hear the G sound. This led to a little side lesson on the French digraph "gn."

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