Saturday, 28 January 2017

January 23-27, 2017

We are moving on now from our focus on simple consonants and vowels to talk about the French digraphs or "sons." This week we looked at "au" which makes the sound "o," and our words of the week contained this digraph. We went back to having Word Work during Daily Five time, and the kids built words using "au."

We talked about the dictée and how to learn the spelling of words in other ways. The kids were not enthusiastic about the option of copying the words of the week multiple times at school to learn their spelling. I will go back to having the dictée next week, but I'll have options for those who find it very stressful to get more support. 

To drill the kids on their knowledge of hard and soft c/g, we played a competitive game in 2 teams. Two players, one from each team, faced off to read a simple syllable starting with c or g. The first person to read it correctly won a point for their team. It was a fun way to gain automaticity with this reading rule.

In Writer's Workshop we did some activities to help the kids come up with their own stories to tell. We made up a story together in French by passing turns around the circle and each student adding a sentence or two to the story. We also talked about the many stories we love from books and movies. The kids each drew a scene from a favourite known story and told the class about it in French. 

Then I showed an example of taking a familiar story (Star Wars) and adding a new twist of one's own to it (Luke's friend Fred, the Jedi). We also began to talk about editing our writing. The kids helped me find spelling and punctuation errors in the story I had written about Fred the Jedi, and we made changes by crossing out words and writing between the lines with a coloured pencil. 

We learned about telling the time to the half hour. With our large floor clock we watched how the hour hand moves to be between hour numbers when the minute hand is on the 6, or the 30 minute point. This is still tricky territory for many of the kids. They practised asking and telling the time orally with toy clocks in pairs. They also got more practise with time work sheets.

In preparation for our last workshop with the visiting artists, the kids wrote words and drew images about their community. This drew on the vocabulary we had learned before the holidays. The artists joined us mid-week, and we completed 4 self-portraits by assembling the various elements completed in the prior workshops. The kids glued their words and images onto the "plate" self-portraits about their community. 

Then they added other collage and drawing and put their photo transfer in the middle. 

The final step was to paint a layer of gel medium over the entire piece.

The kids also put together the line drawn self-portraits they had made on acetate with the water-colour and collage backgrounds. We laid these all out to look at and talk about.

And to end the week, we had another Roots of Empathy session with Baby Tagore.

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