Wednesday, 1 March 2017

February 13 - 16, 2017

This week began with the 100th day of school! The kids brought in their wonderful projects and we spent the morning rotating between the 3 grade 1 and 1/2 classes, seeing their projects and doing activities about 100.

 In our class, we did an activity with snap cubes. We estimated first how long 100 snap cubes would be. The kids put their name on a piece of tape at the spot where they thought 100 snap cubes would reach. Then the kids made many lengths of 5 snap cubes. We began attaching the lengths of 5 cubes and counting by 5 until we reached 100. It was fun to see how close or far off our predictions were.

In math we continued to explore geometry. We learned about tangrams by first watching a video that tells the story of Grandfather Tang, told through tangram shapes ( Then the students had a chance to try making different shapes with the 7 pieces in a tangram set, using models.

On another day, we had our first session of geometry centers. I introduced "pentomino tetris" and the other center activities were already familiar: pattern blocks on templates, pattern block symmetry game, geoboard symmetry game, and tangram puzzles.

Our French digraph of focus this week was "oi", and we learned the gesture and looked at many words containing it. We read a poem together called "Benoit le roi" that uses the sound "oi", and put the lines in order.

We read the book La Determination de Viola Desmond with Fleur Connecteur, the puppet character who makes connections between texts and her life, other texts and the world. This book tells the story of a Black woman in New Brunswick who refused to participate in segregation at a movie theatre and was arrested for taking a stand. Her story provides an example of a Canadian civil rights activist similar to Rosa Parks in the US. The students made connections with the book, including talking about participating in the Women's March as a way of standing up for one's rights. We followed that book up with Tous DiffĂ©rents, which celebrates diversity.

We finished up our season wheels, which show the 4 seasons in terms of weather, animal and plant activity, and typical clothing.

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