Wednesday, 28 June 2017

June 12-16, 2017

The pace picked up this week as the kids worked hard to finish the rough drafts of their stories for our story collection. They were also very busy preparing for their animal puppet shows. Over the weekend, each student chose an animal that they would focus on for their puppet show. They researched that animal's physical characteristics, habitat, diet and anything else of interest. This week they used that information, translated, to fill out a script template, a dialogue between 2 animals. I put the kids into pairs and they practiced their lines together several times.

They also made their puppets for the show. Most students brought an image of their animal from home, which they used to make a drawing. I enlarged some of the drawings, and they cut out the paper drawing to use as a template. They traced the outline twice onto felt and then cut out the felt pieces.

Then they decorated one side of each felt piece by gluing on more felt or yarn or feathers. 

I glued together the 2 sides of each puppet, leaving an opening, and the kids stuffed them. Then I glued the puppets closed.

We ended the week doing still more art, to make bookmarks for Father's Day.

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